Inventions Unlimited

If you are Aussie, then you know how good an Aussie Meat Pie can be. You’ll also know how hot the darn things get in the middle.

I live with such bright sparks.

I live with such bright sparks.

I sat down to lunch and this is what greeted me. Shaking my head (I of course reach for the camera), and am given the “Aw What?” response.  Aw what? Please tell me this is not normal. I do not live in a normal home with a normal family, they are all freaks.

Aw What? C'mon... it's a good idea.. admit it!

Aw What? C'mon... it's a good idea.. admit it!

This is Andrew’s meat pie cooler. He’s the last of the Great Minds. Lord help me.

9 responses to “Inventions Unlimited

  1. Go Andrew.

  2. Yep- freaks! I just peel the “lid” off my pie to cool it a little. Maybe that’s freaky too…….

  3. Andrew says that’s the way to wreck a pie.
    Hee hee ( I eat mine with a knife and fork… how freaky is that!)

  4. I’m with you Tania!

  5. Is Andrew trying to take over from his father-in-law and be the inventions king ?[ Dad didn’t even come up with the pie cooler one] If it works, don’t knock it.We might have pies for lunch today just to test it out
    LOVE the words on the T/shirt!!!I can relate to that but my excuse is that the clothes have shrunk in the wash so that’s why aren’t fitting me like they used to !!!

  6. Oh, the shirts! My goodness, you should see the one he wore to Liturgy once at school. It read… “I’m not a Doctor, but I’ll take a look anyway”. I wasn’t there, thank God, but other parents informed me. What a yobbo. That’s my man.

  7. HAHAHAHA! Did he do it on purpose or does he just grab the first t-shirt he puts his hand on???

  8. nah, the t-shirt is a crack-up. It may seem strange 2 u Tan but
    my hubby is the opposite… it has to be “Clean” meaning no writing, no swirls, no ink……no excitement!!!
    GO ANDREW!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Louise.. I think he just picks up the first clean shirt on the pile. He wears the same shirts for YEARS – I kid you not!

    Nat.. He is such a funny bloke, he actually bought this one for himself. Can you believe it? I shake my head.
    Luckily he does wear plain shirts too, and scrubs up pretty good when needed.

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