Challenge Complete

Thanks Janita for your version of the challenge from August 16th. This looks great. I just love the way you did your lettering with the Cricut!

Remember the challenge?

4 responses to “Challenge Complete

  1. Thanks Tania, is there a way I can shadow the lettering I weld with the Design Studio as I don’t seem to be able to do it… maybe just something simple I’m missing?? Or I’m simple with something missing??

  2. Janita, I’m not sure on that one. I’ll have to look into it more. (I need to get my Cricut home to have a play).

    I finished my layout with this challenge now too. Will post later in the week when I have time to take photo and upload.

  3. Phyllis Snook

    I have never used the Circuit Machine before but am interested in buying one. I make scrapbooks for Habitat for Humanity. They are much different from your run of the mill scrapbooks and I thought that maybe The Circuit could make my life somewhat easier and would make the designs more creative. Is there anything you can tell me about the machine prior to my buying one? Thanks so much!

    • Phyliss, the Cricut machine is a sound investment. I love mine and it’s a great way to add titles to your pages (you will never run out of a vowel) and can use left over card from your page, so it will always match and be the size you need.
      There are so many cartridges you can get too, with so many images.
      Your scrapbooking for Habitat for Humanity is a great thing to do! Like you say… you don’t have to lift a hammer to help!
      Best wishes!

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